In our ever-evolving, diverse, and global world, ERG leaders will be increasingly pivotal in steering their companies toward true inclusion and equity. Why? Because leaders who come from primarily region-centric homogeneous dominant groups of the past are ill-prepared to lead in this new world.
So how can you help? What do you have that they desperately need? To answer that and more, we have a super-special guest kicking off the first of our season’s six episodes of ERG PowerTalk. Laura Liswood is a former Goldman Sachs Managing Partner, an internationally published author, and an advisor to world leaders around the globe. No one is better prepared to deliver her message and answer these questions.
I invite you to join us for a tour de force across the globe on the topic of equity and inclusion that will bring us home to what your local leaders need from you.
You can listen to this episode now on any device by clicking here to access it on your favorite podcast app.