How to Leverage ERGs to Recognize and Nourish Talent

Does your organization have a top talent development team? Would it surprise you if I told you that this is probably evidence of the fact that you are squandering most of your employee’s energies and talents? Like that famous shingles commercial, right now, you are probably saying, “say whaaaaaat?”

Let me explain. Organizations seeking to become more competitive today are always looking for ways to identify and more fully leverage underutilized talent. In the world of human resources, however, this has shown up as high-potential identification and development programs. But what does that mean when it comes to the other 95% of the people in the company who are not in that high-potential list? It means underutilization and underinvestment of the masses in the mistaken belief that by focusing more on a few “big talents,” the organization will be more competitive. Does that really work? Not so, says a growing body of research that points to firm employees as the most underutilized corporate resource. And our guest of this episode of ERG PowerTalk couldn’t agree more.

Lapora Lindsey believes that all employees can have a more significant impact. She believes that the visible few that we see at the top are held up there by those invisible many that HR tends to ignore. Lapora is a fascinating success coach who believes no employee is stuck. As she puts it, any employee can create impact from anywhere in their career.

In our interview, Lapora will show you why these “invisible many” are essential and what your resource groups can do to strengthen this crucial foundation of your organization’s success. You can literally become the engine that releases your organization’s true people potential while elevating the value of all the members of your community. So, join us for this insightful episode.

You can listen to this episode now on any device by clicking here to access it on your favorite podcast app.

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