2021 Catalog of ERG PowerTalk Season Three Episodes

2021 Catalog of ERG PowerTalk Season Three Episodes

Below is a summary with links to all the Season Three episodes of ERG PowerTalk. Please bookmark this page in your browser.

How to Increase Your Energy and Focus?

My guest Dr. Tharaka Gunarathne (known by friends as Doctor T), is the best doctor for you if you want to be fired up to be at your best. Dr. Gunarathne is a medical doctor and a peak performance expert. He joins me for this much-needed, energy-packed episode of ERG PowerTalk. http://media.blubrry.com/egrpowertalk/mzondemand.com/podcasts/powertalk/PowerTalk25.mp3

How to Sell Membership and Secure Support

No one can teach you about selling like my guest, Adam Shapiro. Adam is the best at selling. After talking with him for an hour, I’m convinced he can sell anything to anyone. Adam Shapiro will teach you all the tricks of the trade. His selling skills are unmatched. Learn how to explode your membership and get the funding you need. http://media.blubrry.com/egrpowertalk/mzondemand.com/podcasts/powertalk/PowerTalk26.mp3

How to Start an ERG Mentoring Program

How would you like to increase your chances of promotion 5 to 6 times over the average? Or make a comfortable six-figure salary? My guest in this episode, Julie Kantor, is the best person to show you how to do it. No one can start up a powerful mentoring program like Julie. So, if you are looking for a way to put some rocket fuel in your career and your member’s careers, check out this episode. http://media.blubrry.com/egrpowertalk/mzondemand.com/podcasts/powertalk/PowerTalk27.mp3

Bringing Everyone on the Inclusion Journey

Our guest in this episode, Moe Carrick, is an expert in de-frosting “the frozen-middle.” A few of the questions she will answer for you in this episode include:

  • What are the general values and beliefs in white male culture, and how might these conflict with DEI concepts?
  • What are some challenges that white males face in today’s evolving workplace that might show up as resistance or apathy regarding your inclusion efforts?
  • What are some strategies you can use to turn them into partners?


How to Become a Powerful Speaker

Did you know that one of the most important skills you can ever develop in your career is the ability to articulate your ideas clearly and powerfully in public? Unfortunately, one out of four people suffers from panic when they present. This fear keeps them from excelling at performing a super-critical skill. Our guest for this episode, Dez Thornton, is an expert speaking coach who will teach you how to get your stomach butterflies flying in formation. In this episode, you will specifically learn:

  • How to prepare a speech/presentation that brings the house down in no-time
  • How to rehearse even if you are too busy to set time aside for rehearsals
  • How to master the public thinking the supports a powerful public presentation


How to Win Hearts and Minds Using Choice Theory

Are you tired of being trapped in the role of preacher and prosecutor as you try to convince others to cooperate with you?  My guest in this episode, Dr. Kim Olver, is here to teach you a better way. In this episode, Kim will teach you how to

  • Identify your drivers and those in others that may create gaps in how you communicate.
  • How to communicate across these gaps
  • How to have a frame of mind that you will find more relaxing and make you an easier person for others to work with.


How to Use True History to Remove Barriers to Inclusion

In this episode, Historian, Actor, Businessman, and Speaker Sylvester Boyd, shares hidden elements of history and how we can leverage true history to remove barriers to inclusion with benefits for everyone. http://media.blubrry.com/egrpowertalk/mzondemand.com/podcasts/powertalk/PowerTalk31.mp3

How to Help Your Company Keep Bias Out of Their AI Tools

Artificial Intelligence is here, and it’s making decisions about you. Decisions like, should you get a plum assignment? How much should you be paid? Are you promotable? And contrary to popular belief, AIs are as biased and bigoted as the humans who built them.  So, what can you do to leverage these new robot colleagues in your favor? The first step is to learn more about how these systems work and what can be don’t to moderate their potential negative impact on you. And in this week’s episode, we have the perfect guest when it comes to giving you that edge. Amin Venjara is an ADP expert on AI. In this episode, we will discuss what you and your ERGs can do to keep biases from sneaking up on you through your company’s artificial intelligence tools. http://media.blubrry.com/egrpowertalk/mzondemand.com/podcasts/powertalk/PowerTalk32.mp3

How to Enhance Your Leadership by Building Your EQ

If you’re looking to move up through the ranks in your organization and separate yourself from the pack of other would-be leaders, the number one thing you can do is improve your emotional intelligence. In this episode, Kelly Newman, Lead Facilitator for BlueEQ, teaches you how to become that much-needed emotionally intelligent leader. Learn how to be more effective in helping your resource group succeed while putting yourself on display for bigger leadership roles.  As a bonus, you’ll also get more joy out of your life. http://media.blubrry.com/egrpowertalk/mzondemand.com/podcasts/powertalk/PowerTalk33.mp3

How to Leverage Your ERG Role to Develop Executive Presence

You’ve been working very hard leading both a community and projects for your organization. Yet, a peer who hasn’t done half the work just sailed past you with a promotion. What’s going on? What are you missing? In this episode, Joseph Kwon, a Udemy instructor known as the Connection Counselor, teaches you how to leverage your role as a resource group leader to practice and develop the executive presence that will propel you into higher leadership roles. http://media.blubrry.com/egrpowertalk/mzondemand.com/podcasts/powertalk/PowerTalk34.mp3

How to Build a Strong Foundation for Leadership Success

So, you’ve taken extensive management and leadership training on presentation, project management, and people management, but how ready are you to lead in the 21st century? According to recent studies, 60 to 70 percent of you may not be ready. Why? Because many of these studies show an underlying foundation needed to be truly successful that only a few leaders have. That foundation is essentially who we are on the inside, and it’s the topic of this episode of ERG PowerTalk. Join me and our guest, Bob Rosen, a trusted CEO advisor and New York Times Bestselling author, to find out how you can build a powerful personal leadership foundation that benefits your ERG, your company, and most of all you. http://media.blubrry.com/egrpowertalk/mzondemand.com/podcasts/powertalk/PowerTalk35.mp3

How to Build Communities Where We All Belong

It does not take extensive research to realize that we live in a polarized society. And this polarization certainly doesn’t end at your company or ERG’s doorstep. So, what causes all of this division among people? What can we do to fight it and create groups and organizations that can ultimately bring us back together?

My guest in this Season Finale episode is social justice champion Howard Ross. In this episode, we explore the lessons on how to build inclusive communities found in Howard’s book titled Our Search for Belonging – How Our Need to Connect is Tearing Us Apart. If you are seeking to create a strong community and team cultures that can partner across groups and bring added benefits to their members and the organization, this is an episode you don’t want to miss. http://media.blubrry.com/egrpowertalk/mzondemand.com/podcasts/powertalk/PowerTalk36.mp3

In addition to listening to these programs on your computer using these links, you can also download the entire season (and earlier two seasons) onto your smartphone using one of these two links:

Click here to hear it on Apple iTunes

Click here to hear it on Google Podcast for Android smartphones

Want to get a masterclass in success from some of our top guests from this season and learn how to seize the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to leapfrog your career and salary while scoring a huge 75% discount? Then click here for more.

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