How to Build Communities Where We All Belong | ERG PowerTalk Podcast

How to Build Communities Where We All Belong

It does not take extensive research to realize that we live in a polarized society. And this polarization certainly doesn’t end at your company or ERG’s doorstep. So, what causes all of this division among people? What can we do to fight it and to create groups and organizations that can ultimately bring us back together?

That’s what my guest, social justice champion, Howard Ross, and I will be discussing in this episode of ERG PowerTalk. Howard, who wrote a book two years ago titled Our Search for Belonging – How Our Need to Connect is Tearing Us Apart, will show you:

  • How the same powerful forces that motivate you to create your ERGs can, if not properly moderated, produce tribalism and exclusion
  • What you need to do to prepare yourself so you can enjoy the connection with others like you without losing the ability to bridge to those who are different from you
  • How you build ERG cultures that are supportive of members and remain open to others

If you are an ERG leader of a DEI professional seeking to create strong community cultures and can partner across groups and bring added benefits to their members and the organization, this is an episode you don’t want to miss

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