How to Build a Strong Foundation for Leadership Success | ERG PowerTalk Podcast

How to Build a Strong Foundation for Leadership Success

So, you’ve taken extensive management and leadership training on topics like presentation, project management, and people management, but how ready are you to lead in the 21st century? According to recent studies, 60 to 70 percent of you may not be ready. Why?

In Matthew 7 verses 26 and 27 of the Bible, Jesus gives us a clue. He refers to the person who builds a big strong house on the sand as foolish. As he puts it in verse 27, “When the rains and floods come and the winds beat against that house, it will collapse with a mighty crash.” His point is simple: to have a sturdy structure that can stand assault, you need to do more than put up a strong building. You need to have a strong foundation. And the same is true of effective leadership according to numerous academic studies.

That foundation is essentially who we are on the inside, and it’s the topic of this week’s episode of ERG PowerTalk. Join me and our guest, Bob Rosen, a trusted CEO advisor and New York Times Bestselling author to find out how you can build a powerful personal leadership foundation that benefits your ERG, your company, and most of all you.

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