How to Enhance Your Leadership by Building Your EQ

If you’re looking to move up through the ranks in your organization and separate yourself from the pack of other would-be leaders, the number one thing you can do is improve your emotional intelligence.

I’m sure you’ve met people in high places oblivious to what is going on in the human side of their companies. Their emotional ignorance shows up as robotic transactional management, that blindly follows robotic processes, enforced by robotic systems without regard to how their people feel. In today’s workplace where team members need to be encouraged to be creative and innovative thinkers, these emotionally ignorant leaders, despite their IQs, often fail. The bottom line is that 21st-century organizations are starving for more emotionally intelligent leaders.

And in this episode, Kelly Newman, Lead Facilitator for BlueEQ, teaches you how to become that much-needed emotionally intelligent leader. In this episode, you’ll learn how to be more effective in helping your resource group succeed, while putting yourself on display for bigger leadership roles.  As an extra bonus, you’ll also get more joy out of your life.

You can listen to this episode now on any device by clicking here to access it on your favorite podcast app

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