How to Help Your Company Keep Bias Out of Their AI Tools

In 2018, a man by the name of Ibrahim Diallo was surprised when he found that his employee key card would not allow him entry into the Los Angeles skyscraper where his office was based.  A security guard allowed him into the building and Diallo immediately went to see his manager. She promised to order a new key card for him right away. This, however, was only the beginning of a day Diallo would never forget.  
When he got to his cubicle, he noticed that he was logged out of his work system. A colleague he asked for help told Diallo that the word “Inactive” was listed alongside his name in the list of users. As his day continued, things got worse. After lunch, he had to wait for 10-minutes for a co-worker to let him back into his office. When he got back to his desk, HR called and told him that he had been terminated. His manager and director knew nothing about this termination according to the HR representative. HR promised to sort it all out. After several emails to increasingly senior executives, the mystery was still unsolved. It was only some time after that afternoon when two people appeared at Diallo’s desk and told him that they had received an email telling them to escort him from the building that Diallo learned he had been fired by an artificial intelligence system due to a machine error.

Artificial Intelligence is here, and it’s making decisions about you. Decisions like, should you get a plum assignment? How much should you be paid? Are you promotable? And contrary to popular belief, AIs are as biased and bigoted as the humans who built them.

So, what can you to do make sure you don’t end up being sent to the career trash heap by a robot? Well, the first step is to learn more about how these systems work and what can be don’t to moderate their impact on you. And in this week’s episode, we have the perfect guest when it comes to giving you that edge. Amin Venjara is an ADP expert on AI. In this episode, we will discuss what you and your ERGs can do to keep biases from sneaking up on you through your company’s artificial intelligence tools.

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