How to Create and Sustain Dynamic ERG and L&D Partnerships

In this week’s episode of ERG PowerTalk, discover the powerful benefits that you can draw out of partnering with your company’s Learning and Development team. You’ll learn how together you can reach higher levels of success that neither of you could attend just going it alone.

My guests Theo Bowling, Dr. Susan Hanold, and Kee Meng Yeo show you how to get the most out of this partnership. And how to maintain the critical balance you need to keep your partnership producing maximum benefits for you and your partners.

You can listen to this episode now on any device using one of the links below:

Click here to hear it on Apple iTunes

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Or you can click on the link below to directly access this episode from here. (Click download to hear it on your computer).

1 thought on “How to Create and Sustain Dynamic ERG and L&D Partnerships”

  1. Thank you Joe for pulling all this content together. I enjoyed from hearing from all the leaders on this panel. Thank you for the opportunity to be interviewed. I look forward to socializing your podcasts with my networks.

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